Tuesday, June 21, 2011

4 months old

I have a daughter:
to watch Miss America with me
to watch Anne of Green Gables with me
to dress in cute clothes
to remind me of the wonderful mother I have

I love my baby girl.
She smiles a lot.
She is starting to laugh.
She is taking a bottle of formula every night so I get a break for one feeding each day.

I was thinking back on her blessing today and remembering that she was told she would be a peacemaker. I believe she is already taking on that roll in our family.

I am so grateful to Heavenly Father for sending me a daughter.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Birthday Fun

I gave the kid a hair cut just like he wanted....isn't that enough of a birthday gift? No it wasn't so we took a drive down to San Jose. We did some birthday shopping at his favorite store. Can you guess? It is the same as his Dad.. You guessed it, Game Stop. He spent his birthday money on a 3ds....dad chipped in to cover what the birthday money couldn't. Then it was off to the childrens museum. I was actually surprised he didn't just want to hurry home to play video games.

The boys had a great time. On the way home we stopped for dinner. Bonus for mom she didn't have to cook or clean up 2 meals today. Dad ran into Winco with Jay to grab a birthday cake. I told him to just get a small one. Well they walk out with a 1/2 sheet cake. Apparently the small cakes were for girls. So here we are with a huge cake and just 5 of us to eat it. I guess we will be freezing it and haveing cake for Sunday Dinner Dessert for the next 6 weeks.

Happy Birthday to my handsome boy! I love you!

Joy School Graduation

Nice Graduation Hat Earrings!.
What great moms/teachers. I love everyone of these ladies.
What is joy it has been to teach these adorable kids. I don't know who loves Joy School more...Me or the Twins.

Friday, June 3, 2011

It Came!

6 am every morning for the last 4 days...
Jay, "Mom can I go get the mail."
Mom, "Jay the mail doesn't come until 11."
2:20 Jay walks in the door from school.
Jay, "Mom can I go get the mail."

Thanks to the grandparents for sending birthday cards.

The twins were excited to get a treat too!

Now the
dilemma.....what to do tomorrow? Watch for pictures from Jay's Birthday outing.