Thursday, October 6, 2011

circle of life

This week we welcomed another Niece to our family. As I was looking at her beautiful picture and thinking about family it took me back to when I first became an Aunt. It was my 22nd birthday. John and I had been married 9 months. I feel blessed to share my birthday with Tanner. It reminds me every year of the importance of family. When I was growing up my Aunts and Uncles were very special to me. I looked up to them and wanted to be just like them. I guess things really haven't changed. I still find strength in the love and support I get from my extended family. I feel like I have a long way to go in being the Aunt to my nieces and nephews that mine are to me.
Since John and I got married in Feb 1999 we have added 3 sons, one daughter, 5 sister-in-laws, 1 brother-in-law, 9 nieces, and 9 nephews to our family. Right now there are 13 grandkids on each side. That is a lot of change in 12 years. While I am reflecting I am reminded of the grandparents we have lost. When we got married we had 7 grandparents at the temple with us. I had already lost a grandma 2 years before but John had all 4 of his. This year 2011 my other grandma passed away. She was the last one to go.
I am so grateful for my knowledge of Forever Families. I know that when we leave this life we will be united with our loved ones that have passed on. We have a Heavenly Father that loves each one of us. Our Savior Jesus Christ lives. There is a living Prophet that walks on the earth today. I know these things are true with all my heart.