Thursday, October 6, 2011

circle of life

This week we welcomed another Niece to our family. As I was looking at her beautiful picture and thinking about family it took me back to when I first became an Aunt. It was my 22nd birthday. John and I had been married 9 months. I feel blessed to share my birthday with Tanner. It reminds me every year of the importance of family. When I was growing up my Aunts and Uncles were very special to me. I looked up to them and wanted to be just like them. I guess things really haven't changed. I still find strength in the love and support I get from my extended family. I feel like I have a long way to go in being the Aunt to my nieces and nephews that mine are to me.
Since John and I got married in Feb 1999 we have added 3 sons, one daughter, 5 sister-in-laws, 1 brother-in-law, 9 nieces, and 9 nephews to our family. Right now there are 13 grandkids on each side. That is a lot of change in 12 years. While I am reflecting I am reminded of the grandparents we have lost. When we got married we had 7 grandparents at the temple with us. I had already lost a grandma 2 years before but John had all 4 of his. This year 2011 my other grandma passed away. She was the last one to go.
I am so grateful for my knowledge of Forever Families. I know that when we leave this life we will be united with our loved ones that have passed on. We have a Heavenly Father that loves each one of us. Our Savior Jesus Christ lives. There is a living Prophet that walks on the earth today. I know these things are true with all my heart.

1 comment:

Lara said...

I forget to change your blog address to your current blog. Loved hearing the updates of the boys. Miss you guys and hope this school year goes well for everyone. James must be destined to be a dairy farmer like your dad, 5:30 am! Love you all!