Monday, February 13, 2012


Jess will be 1 in a few days. WHY did this year go so fast?

Here are a few Jess highlights.....
Loves mom.
Watches mom and dad kiss then when they stop she pushes moms face back to dad.
climbs stairs but has not yet learned how to get down.
doesn't sleep through the night.
doesn't like to nap during the day.
dad gave her ramen the other night when mom was at a meeting (she loved it)
signs - milk, all done, please,
Has a BFF Brielle
cruizes all around the house along the walls
crawls on hands and knees and still the occasional army crawl if she wants to carry something
LOVES her brothers.
has NO teeth
leads the music in church with the chorister
Can throw a fit if she doesn't get what she wants.

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